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Lib8.jpg - The basement movable shelving is off limits to the general public. Here is where repairs come; weeded materials end up until sold, donated, or destroyed; and some archives and valuable materials are stored. There is a book elevator (teeny little thing) in the wall behind me that delivers requested material to a librarian in the main library.

 The basement movable shelving is off limits to the general public. Here is where repairs come; weeded materials end up until sold, donated, or destroyed; and some archives and valuable materials are stored. There is a book elevator (teeny little thing) in the wall behind me that delivers requested material to a librarian in the main library.
Camera: Canon PowerShot SD850 IS | Date: 9/8/08 6:56 AM | Resolution: 1536 x 2048 | ISO: 200 | Exp. Mode: Auto exposure | Exp. Time: 1/8s | Aperture: 2.8 | Focal Length: 5.8mm (~34.9mm) | Flash: No
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